Aircraft Design Technical Reports

Aircraft Design Technical Reports

A Collection of Airplane Specific Papers

Aircraft | Title | Report Number

 Airbus A300B10
Development of the Shortened Airbus Derivative A300B10 and the Problem Achieving Optimum Weight ( SAWE PAPER NO 1240 )
 AVRO Vulcan
Revisiting the Boeing B-47 and AVRO Vulcan Configuration comparison with Observations Relevant to New Aircraft Concepts ( AIAA-1009-6998 )
 Bell XV-15
The History of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft From Concept to Flight ( NASA SP-2000-4517 )
Wind-tunnel tests of the XV-15 tilt rotor aircraft ( NASA TM 81177 )
 Boeing 747 Dreamlifter
Developmental and Operational Considerations of the Boeing 747 DreamLifter ( SAWE PAPER NO 3447 )
 Boeing 757-200
Development and the Contribution of Weight and Balance Control ( SAWE PAPER NO 1570 )
 Boeing 767-200
An Introduction to the Boeing 767-200 and the 767 Weight Control Program ( SAWE PAPER NO 1467 )
 Boeing B47
Revisiting the Boeing B-47 and AVRO Vulcan Configuration comparison with Observations Relevant to New Aircraft Concepts ( AIAA-1009-6998 )
Revisiting the Boeing B-47 and AVRO Vulcan Configuration comparison with Observations Relevant to New Aircraft Concepts – part 2 ( AIAA-2011-6934 )
 Bombardier Learjet 23
Static Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Typical Singler–Engine Low-Wing General Aviation Design for an Angle-Of-Atttack Range Of -8 To 90 ( NASA CR-2971 )
 Cessna 310
A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Static Longitudinal and Lateral Characteristics of a Full-Scale Mockup of a Light Twin-Engine Airplane ( NASA TN D-6238 )

Convair B-58

Equivalent Longitudinal Area Distributions of the B-58 and XB-70-1 Airplanes for Use in Wave Drag and Sonic Boom Calculations ( NASACR-2011-217078 )
 Convair F-106B
Wind-Tunnel Free-Flight Investigation of a 0.15-Scale Model of the F-106B Airplane With Vortex Flaps ( NASA TP-2700 )
 De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
The Use of the Total-Head Rise Across the Propeller of the De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver as a Similarity Parameter to Simulate Power-On Flight in the Wind Tunnel ( VTH-190 )
Stability and Control Derivatives of the De Havilland DHC-2 “Beaver” Aircraft ( LR-556 )
 Fokker F27 Friendship
Static Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of the Fokker f27 “Friendship” Calculated by Simple Handbook Methods ( LR-394 )
 General Dynamics F-16
Supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of an advanced F-16 derivative aircraft configuration ( NASA TP-3355 )
 Grumman AA-1 Yankee
Effects of Wing Leading Edge Modifications on a Full Scale, Low Wing General Aviation Airplane ( NASA TP 2011 )
Exploratory Study of the Effects of Wing Leading Edge Modifications on the Stall/Spin Behavior of a Light General Aviation Aircraft ( NASA TP 1589 )
Flight Investigation of the Effect of Tail Configuration on Stall, Spin, and Recovery Characteristics of a Low Wing General Aviation Research Airplane ( NASA TP 2644 )
Simulator Study of the Stall Departure Characteristics of a Light General Aviation Airplane With and Without a Wing Leading Edge Modification ( NASA TM-86309 )
Spin Tunnel Investigation of the Spinning Characteristics of Typical Single Engine General Aviation Airplane Designs ( NASA TP 1009 )
Spin Tunnel Investigation of the Spinning Characteristics of Typical Single Engine General Aviation Airplane Designs ( NASA TP 1076 )
Static Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Typical Singler–Engine Low-Wing General Aviation Design for an Angle-Of-Attack Range of -8 to 90 ( NASA CR-2971 )
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Tail Spoiler Concept for Stall Prevention of General Aviation Airplanes ( NASA TM-83208 )
 Grumman X-29A
Grumman’s Forward Swept Wing Feasibility Studies and X-29A Technology Demonstrator ( SAWE PAPER NO 1454 )
X-29A Lateral-Directional Stability and Control Derivatives Extracted From High-Angle-of-Attack Flight Data ( NASA TP-3664 )
 Hawker 800XP
New Methodology and Code for Hawker 800XP Aircraft Stability Derivatives Calculations from Geometrical Data ( AIAA-2009-6046 )
CASE STUDY 4: HONDAJET ( AIAA Fundamentals of aircraft and airship design: Volume 2 )
Design and Development of the HondaJet ( AIAA-2003-2530 )
Development of the HondaJet ( ICAS2004-P582 )
Flutter Characteristics of an Over-the-Wing Engine Mount Business-Jet Configuration ( AIAA 2003-1942 )
Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoil Development for the HondaJet ( AIAA-2002-2932 )
Wave-Drag Characteristics of an Over-the-Wing Nacelle Bussiness Jet Configuration ( AIAA 2003-0933 )
 Learjet M45
 Lockheed C-141B
Correlation of Full-Scale Drag Predictions with Flight Measurements on the C-141A Aircraft – Phase II, Wind Tunnel Test, Analysis, and Prediction Techniques ( NASA CR-2333 )
 Lockheed Fighters
The Impact of Weight Analysis and Control on the Joint Strike Fighter Development ( SAWE PAPER NO 2382 )
 Lockheed L-1011
Integrated Technology Wing Design Study ( NASA CR-3586 )
 Lockheed S-3A
Conceptual/Preliminary Design Study of a Subsonic V/STOL and STOVL aircraft derivatives of the S-3A ( NASA TM-81310 )
 McDonnell Douglas F-15
Subsonic stability and control derivatives for an unpowered, reomtely piloted 3/8 scale f-15 airplane model obtained from flight test ( NASA TN D-8136 )
 North American XB-70
Aircraft Handling Qualities Data ( NASA CR-2144 )
Equivalent Longitudinal Area Distributions of the B-58 and XB-70-1 Airplanes for Use in Wave Drag and Sonic Boom Calculations ( NASACR-2011-217078 )
Preliminary Flight Evaluation of the Stability and Control Derivatives and Dynamic Characteristics of the Unaugmented XB-70-1 Airplane Including Comparisons with Predictions ( NASA TN D-4578 )
Summary of Preliminary Data Derived from the XB-70 Airplanes ( NASA TM X-1240 )
Wind-Tunnel/Flight Correlation Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Large Flexible Supersonic Cruise Airplane I ( NASA TP-1514 )
Wind-Tunnel/Flight Correlation Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Large Flexible Supersonic Cruise Airplane II ( NASA TP-1515 )
Wind-Tunnel/Flight Correlation Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Large Flexible Supersonic Cruise Airplane III ( NASA TP-1516 )
 Northrop Grumman EA-6B Prowler
Wind-Tunnel Static and Free-Flight Investigation of High-Angle-of-Attack Stability and Control Characteristics of a Model of the EA-6B Airplane ( NASA TP-3194 )
 Northrop Grumman Global Hawk
Global Hawk Systems Engineering Case Study ( AFIT-CASESTUDY-GLOBALHAWK )
 Northrop Grumman X-47A Pegasus
The X-47A Pegasus, from design to flight ( AIAA-2002-3426 )
 Northrop Gurmman B-2
B-2 Systems Engineering Case Study ( AFIT-CASESTUDY-B2 )
 Piper PA-24 Comanche
Full Scale Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Characteristics of a Light Single Engine Airplane ( NASA TN D-5700 )
 Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche
Effects of Reynolds Number and Engine Nacelles on the Stalling Characteristics of a Model of a Twin Engine Light Airplane ( NASA TN D-7109 )
Full Scale Wind Tunnel Investigation of Static Longitudinal and Lateral Characteristics of a Light Twin Engine Airplane ( NASA TN D-4983 )
Lateral Directional Aerodynamic Characteristics of Light, Twin Engine, Propeller Driven Airplanes ( NASA TN D-6946 )
Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of Light, Twin Engine, Propeller Driven Airplanes ( NASA TN D-6800 )
The Effects of Configuration Changes on the Aerodynamic Changes on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Full Scale Mockup of a Light Twin Engine Airplane ( NASA TN D-6896 )
Wind Tunnel Tests of a Full Scale Model of a Light Twin Engine Airplane with Fixed Auxiliary Airfoil or Leading Edge Slot ( NASA TN D-7474 )
 Republic Xp-91
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Low Speed Characteristics of a 1/8 Scale Model of the Republic XP-91 Airplane with a Vee and Conventional Tail. ( NACA RM No. SA8A02 )
 Rockwell -MBB X-31
Low-Speed Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Aerodynamic Characteristics of the X-31 Configuration ( NASA TM-4351 )
 Rockwell YOV-10
Flight Tests of a Totatig Cylinder Flap on A North American Rockwell YOV-10 Aircraft ( NASA CR-2135 )
 Rutan VariEze
Wind Tunnel Investigation of a Full Scale Canard Configured General Aviation Airplane ( NASA TP-2382 )
 Schweizer SGS 1-36
Flight Characteristics of a Modified Schweizer SGS 1-36 Sailplane at Low and Very High Angles of Attack ( NASA TP-3022 )
 US ARMY Fighter Jets
US Fighter Aircraft Design, Weight and Performance Trends( SAWE PAPER NO 3474 )
 Vertol VZ-2
Summary of Flight-Test Results of the VZ-2 Tilt-Wing Aircraft ( NASA TN D-989 )